When reviewing your credit report, you may come across one or more apparent errors. These may be actual errors, or the report may contain outdated or missing information. If this happens, you have the option of disputing the information in the report with the credit reporting agency. Generally, credit reporting agencies have an obligation to investigate disputes filed by consumers; however, if the dispute is frivolous or irrelevant, the agency does not have to investigate.
3 Situations Where a Credit Reporting Agency Does Not Have to Investigate Your Dispute
Here are three examples of when a credit reporting agency (CRA) is not required to investigate your claim of allegedly erroneous items on your credit report:
- You failed to provide enough information to allow the credit reporting agency to investigate the dispute.
- Your dispute appears to be a blanket dispute involving almost everything in your credit file. Often, these disputes are generated or appear to have been generated by a credit repair company service or prepared by the consumer using a credit repair service’s pre-printed forms.
- You continue to ask for reinvestigations of the same item on the report, but fail to provide any new information. This means you should NOT simply send the same dispute letter you sent the last time. Change the wording, attach documents that verify the information is wrong, and send a certified letter or overnight letter, not an online or telephonic dispute. You want proof the CRA received it.
Credit is an important part of any individual’s overall financial well-being in today’s marketplace. It is therefore crucial that you make sure that the information contained in your credit report is correct. If the report contains errors, it is important to have them corrected. We encourage you to contact us today at 804-282-7900 for more information.
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