Purchasing a new or used vehicle is typically not an easy process. You spend a great deal of time and energy trying to find the right vehicle at the right price. Once you find that vehicle, you do not expect to deal with major issues right away. Unfortunately, some vehicles have problems and simply turn out to be lemons. When a vehicle does not conform to its warranty and cannot be repaired, you may be entitled to certain remedies under the law.

4 Tips About Vehicle Disclosures and Non-Conformities

If a vehicle does not conform to its warranty, the manufacturer has an obligation to disclose certain facts about the lemon law to the consumer. The following are four important tips about the disclosure requirements and non-conforming vehicles:

  1. The disclosure must be made in the warranty or owner’s manual.
  2. The disclosure must state that written notification of the nonconformity to the manufacturer is required before the consumer is eligible for refund or replacement of the vehicle.
  3. The disclosure must be made clearly and conspicuously.
  4. The disclosure must include the name and address of the manufacturer to which the consumer must send written notification of the nonconformity.

If you recently purchased a vehicle that appears to have defects, it is important to take action quickly in order to protect your legal rights. We encourage you to contact us today at 804-282-7900 for more information.


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