Because time is precious and it is time-consuming to see the numerous cars for sale in person, many people turn to purchasing cars online. Although buying a vehicle over the internet may seem easier, it can actually create more problems for the buyer.

When contemplating buying an automobile online in Virginia, there are several things you should consider before completing the purchase over the internet. First, there is no way to determine if the seller is telling you the truth about the condition of the vehicle. Without visually inspecting the vehicle before purchasing it, you may end up with a car that was damaged. If the seller created auto fraud and misrepresented the vehicle, you might not be able to sue them if the seller lives out of state. While it is possible to file a lawsuit in this type of situation, you need to know that it will be difficult—both financially and logistically—as you will have to file suit in the state the seller is located in and ship the vehicle there as well.

To find out more about auto fraud and your rights, call The Consumer Law Group at 804-282-7900 or contact us online at

John Cole Gayle, Jr.
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Consumer Law Pioneer and Co-Author of Virginia's Lemon Law