You are probably aware that automobile dealers in Virginia play car pricing games in an effort to make more money on every purchase. In order to save as much of your money as possible, it is wise to learn how to beat the dealer at their own game.

When purchasing a new or used car, you might decide to trade-in your older vehicle to lower the price of the car. When dealing with a trade-in, you need to be aware of the dirty sales tricks and tactics dealers use. Dealers will often give customers a higher amount than their trade-in car is worth. They know that by doing this they cause customers to trust them and feel like they are getting a good deal. After a price for the trade-in is confirmed, the salesman and finance manager will start focusing on the new monthly payment rather than the purchase price of the car.

Even if you can afford the new payment being quoted to you, you should be careful the dealer isn’t increasing the price of the new car an equally high amount to make up for the high trade-in price they offered you. To beat them at their own game, you need to carefully review the sales contract before signing on the dotted line.

You can find more car buying tips on our website, or if you have specific questions or feel like you have been a victim of auto fraud, contact us in Northern Virginia today. You can reach The Consumer Law Group for a consultation at 804-282-7900 or online at

John Cole Gayle, Jr.
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Consumer Law Pioneer and Co-Author of Virginia's Lemon Law