A recall does not mean you get a new car or get your money back. It means that whatever part is subject to the recall will be replaced or repaired for free - even if your warrnaty has expired. If the part is recalled, the manufacturer has agreed to fix it for free.
A recall does not mean the manufacturer has to pay you money. It is however, good evidence that the symptom you have been complaining about, and which the manufacturer or authorized dealer may be saying it cannont duplicate or is past the warranty period, does exist and will be fixed, thus giving you an upperhand in any contemplated demand for a refund, or damages for injuries incurred from any kind of accident resulting from the defect. If you have suffered injuries or damages due to this defect, wait until you talk to an attorney before you get it fixed since you probably will need to show the defective aprts to the manufacturer and the jury in the litigation that may have to be filed.
If you have suffered any kind of loss due to a problem recalled, or any injury give us a call. (804) 282-7900.