Notify the Consumer Reporting Agency. Be as specific as possible. They are required to reinvestigate the items in question. You should also contact directly the creditor or other person who gave the incorrect information to make sure their records are in order. If the new investigation reveals an error, a corrected version should be sent, on your request, to anyone who received your report in the past six months. (Job applicants can have corrected reports sent to anyone who received a copy during the past two years.) If you dispute the accuracy of the information in your file and the Consumer Reporting Agency deletes it, the agency cannot put the disputed information back into your file without notifying you in writing. If you contact a consumer reporting agency to dispute the accuracy or completeness of information in your file, the reporting agency may forward your dispute to the creditor or other person who furnished the information to the agency. But you also should still contact that source of information directly. Many creditors have a special address for this purpose, and have a duty to avoid reporting inaccurate information. Also, if you tell anyone that you dispute the accuracy of information, then that person must note that the information is disputed whenever it is provided to a consumer reporting agency.
If these inaccuracies do not get removed, contact us. We will discuss with you (at no charge) exactly what you need to do as well as give you an idea if you have a possible legal case under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) against the credit reporting agencies (CRA) or the furnisher of the inaccurate information to the CRA. Under the FCRA you are entitled to any damages you have suffered, emotional distress, statutory and punitive damages for willful violations of the law, and legal fees.