Purchasing a brand new car only to discover that you have a lemon is a disappointing and frustrating experience. Motor vehicles are expensive and most people buy brand new cars infrequently. When you do make that investment, you have a right to expect that the vehicle will work as the dealer promised it would. If you discover that you have been stuck with a lemon, you have various options available to protect your legal rights. You may also be entitled to protections provided under Virginia’s lemon law.
An Overview of the Better Business Bureau Auto Line Lemon Law Program
One such option available to many consumers is to utilize the Better Business Bureau’s Auto Line lemon law program. The following is an overview of the program:
- The program is free and offered nationwide.
- The program is designed to resolve new vehicle warranty disputes.
- The program uses mediation to help consumers who have lemon law claims. If mediation does not work, arbitration is used.
- The program uses trained arbitrators to conduct hearings that are attended by both the consumer and the vehicle’s manufacturer.
- Consumers have the ability to either accept or decline the arbitrator’s decision.
- If the consumer accepts the decision, the manufacturer must accept it as well.
- Most vehicle manufacturers participate in the program.
- A decision is usually rendered within three business days.
- If the arbitrator deems the vehicle a lemon, you are entitled to a refund or replacement.
- However, the arbitrator must abide by rules dictated by the manufacturer, which are located in the manufacturer's "Program Summary". Check your vehicle's "Program Summary" to see if the remedy you seek is one the manufacturer agrees to provide in the event the arbitrator rules for you.
Before proceeding with this method, it is crucial that you consult with an experienced legal advisor. We are here to provide you with the guidance that you need during this process. We encourage you to contact us today for more information at 804-282-7900.
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