There May Be Defects With Your New Car's SuspensionOne thing you certainly expected from your new car was a smooth ride. After years of wear and tear made your old car less than pleasant to drive, you were looking forward to the control, stability, and cushion of your new car’s new suspension. However, lack of quality control at the manufacturing stage or mishandling between the factory and the dealership may have damaged some part of that suspension and you may have a claim for a refund or replacement.

What Can Go Wrong With Your Suspension?

A car’s suspension is a fairly complicated system, involving many parts. Usually, it is an accident or wear and tear that damages one of these parts and ruins your suspension, but it is possible that your brand new car has a defect that compromises the suspension. If your dealer cannot fix one of the following problems in three or fewer attempts, you may be entitled to a refund or a brand new car:

  • Poor wheel alignment. When your steering wheel is straight, but your car is pulling to one side, your wheels may be misaligned. Often caused by hitting potholes or curbs, a new car could be misaligned due to factory-damaged springs or control arms.

  • Bad shock absorbers. New shocks should not cause you any problems, but if you are experiencing shaking or bounciness in your new car, you may have defective shock absorbers.

  • Bad springs. A defective spring on one side of the car will cause it to sag and may cause a clunking noise when you go over a bump. This should be easy to diagnose and fix, but if it is not fixed promptly, you may have a claim.

  • Damaged ball joints. If your new car squeaks and creaks around a turn, you may have bad ball joints. These should be replaced before they break and damage your entire suspension system.

  • Defective control arms. Loose, imprecise steering could be a sign of a defective or broken control arm. You might also hear clunking and rattling as the wheels move back and forth when they should not.

Suspension problems can sometimes be tricky to diagnose. Your dealer may want to leave an open repair order as they try to figure out the problem, but you should insist on a new repair order each time you have to bring the car in. If you have to bring it in more than three times for the same problem, you may have a Lemon Law claim. Contact The Consumer Law Group, P.C. to learn more.


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