Arbitration is becoming a more and more prevalent method of settling consumer law disputes. The most threatening form is forced arbitration. Many people sign contracts and documents not knowing that they have given up their right to sue in court. Here are three great articles from the New York Times in their effort to join the cause to end forced arbitration.
The first article: "Arbitration Everywhere, Stacking the Deck of Justice," is an overview of exactly what forced arbitration is and how corporations are using it.
The second article: "In Arbitration, a 'Privatization of the Justice System'" explains different stories of people that have fallen victim to forced arbitration in situations such as buying a car and even in a nursing home.
The third article: "In Religious Arbitration, Scripture is the Rule of Law" discusses religious tribunals and how they have evolved over time.
John Gayle Jr. and The Consumer Law Group P.C. has always been a strong advocate to end forced arbitration. Here is an article recently written and posted on our website regarding Chrysler's latest arbitration scam called "The New Arbitration Scam by Chrysler."
Forced arbitration is important to this law firm and you can help by signing these petitions.
Petition to "revoke corporations' license to steal. Stop forced arbitration."
Petition to "tell nursing homes to stop stealing seniors' rights."